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California Propositions

Long live the dialysis clinics.

At UGO II, we often face difficult decisions. To make them, we look to the example of California Proposition 23, where Californians banded together to decisively legalize dialysis. At UGO II, we now put every minute decision to a full vote of our employees. Contact UGO II Sales to see how your business could adopt this model.

Employee of the Decade

Give your employees the recognition they deserve, 20,000 years after their death.

Employee recognition boosts morale and is the core of any great company. But, employee of the month awards are too temporary. UGO II has introduced employee of the decade awards to truly give our employees the sense that their contributions are appreciated. To ensure each employee will have a decade to be recognized in, UGO II has pre-reserved decades up to the year 32000.

Contemporary Poetry

From the visionary minds that brought you 7 different raps about geese.

Every advertiser wants to reach the youth market, and nothing resonates with today's youth like poetry. UGO II Poetry studios offers poems on varied topics like shawarma, coronavirus and Johann Faust. Supercharge your 18-30 demographic outreach today.

Company Newsletters

Warning: the product contains no actual news. Consult your lawyer before reading.

If there's one thing your employees want, it's every single detail of your operations regardless of relevance to their job duties. UGO II's company newsletter fills that need, and thanks to aggressive company incentives, is read by 100% of all employees.

Top 10 Lists

Giving you the latest scoop on Uganda's top cement mixers.

Scientific research has proven that humans can only hold ten pieces of information in their mind at once. Backed with this neurological research, UGO II has optimized their content for maximum retention with the top 10 list. Using publicly available information, UGO II has compiled an exhuastive array of the top 10 in every category you could want, and several that no one wants.

Would You Rathers

Finally giving glaucoma the respect it deserves.

Standard personality tests are too complex, leading to poor completion rates and results that can't be interpreted. UGO II's patented "Would You Rather" system condenses an individual's personality into simple binary choices. These tests also have additional benefits. Our line of glaucoma-themed Would You Rathers have made great contributions to our efforts to cure this multi-faceted disease.