our product is...



A rack of servers.

Technology is now a part of everyone's lives. Our analytics estimate that more than 67% of our customers are viewing this website on some kind of computer. As technology leads to even more advanced, oppressive innovations, UGO II pledges not to be left behind.


A stock chart on a laptop.

Without money, UGO II would just be an elaborate inside joke. Our products radically redefine what money means, and make sure UGO II will remain non-bankrupt for years to come.

Consumer Goods

A shopping mall.

Even though consumers are less wealthy, less intelligent, and less loyal than our traditional clients, they still form a vital part of our customer base. UGO II's line of revolutionary consumer goods offer a wide array of life-improving goods for the unwashed masses.


Video editing software on a monitor.

For decades, people have been clamoring for a product that you cannot hold, can be infinitely copied, and has no material value. Now, UGO II answers the call with its content creation division.