our product is...



Amnesia Insurance

Memories are priceless.

A groundbreaking innovation in the insurance industry, UGO II's patented Amnesia Insuranceā„¢ protects customers from the trauma and lost enjoyment caused by the natural cycle of forgetfulness. We cover up to $1000 when an insured memory is forgotten.

Liquid Money

Bringing cash flow to a new level.

The United States spends more than a billion dollars on producing currency every year. UGO II's liquid money system removes this painful cost, replacing it with a system of specially calibrated containers distributed to every business in America. It's just more efficient. A fourth of the company agreed, in our latest internal surveys.

UGO Coin

The only cryptocurrency not yet discovered by Elon Musk.

All the cryptocurrencies on the market suffer from one fundamental flaw: too many people are allowed to use them. Even traditional fiat currencies allow millions of people to access them. UGO Coin is the first super-centralized currency. UGO II is the only organization authorized to mine, hold, spend, or accept UGO Coin.